Monday, March 22, 2010

Parkour: The art and discipline of freedom of movement.

     This isn't so much about world or biblical things today, however Parkour is something I am into. Parkour is all about getting from place to place the quickest way possible on foot. This might be jumping over fences and railings, Getting on top of buildings, and jumping from building to building (if you trust yourself enough) and you might be jumping down from high areas that are 3 yards or greater.
     The other great thing about parkour is the fact that it trains you for the run. You will hear plenty of people training for the fight response in the fight or flight instinct. You will hear people in many different types of martial classes, some being an art, others being a discipline for practicality. Parkour trains us for the flight. when a person or a group we know will overpower us no matter what martial training we have, parkour comes into play, it doesn't matter if you are called a coward by them or not, the fact that you allowed yourself to live another day is more important.
     I do realize the chances of a life-death threat to happen in one's life is quite uncommon, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be ready for it. It is like insurance, you pay the insurance company to pay your bills if something was to happen even though it probably wont happen in your lifetime. However parkour gives you more benefits. Parkour is free, you use the world around you which gives you a whole different perspective of your world, it gets your body in shape, and you can do it whenever and almost wherever you want.
Well I do feel that I should post at least something on the world and bible so here are two educational links:

America: From Freedom to Fascism by Aaron Russo who is now deceased.(shows the federal reserve is private and much much more...)

Gail Riplinger: New Age Bible Versions: shows the corruption in other bible versions and explains why they are corrupted compared to the King James Version/Bible (KJV/KJB)


  1. oh yeah I forgot to mention what video first inspired me to want to do such things. It was from the French movie District 13

    They are making a sequel to the movie also...
    District 13 Ultimatum:

  2. Parkour is pretty fun! :) My brother has been talking about going and doing some soon again now that it is nice outside. I think though, I like to play Ultimate Frisbee more! hehe! :)

    Have a good week Stephan~!
