Thursday, March 11, 2010

Truth Prevails: Advancement and links between Biblicists, libertarians and Conspiracy Scholars

As time progresses in our world, it seems the truth is getting more and more out there on the mainstream level, at the same time the elite are getting more desperate to stop us. I remember hearing how a good portion of actors and actresses knew of conspiracies going on in our world, but they dare not say a world because the media would then rip them to shreds harassing them of their past faults and their beliefs. Then the famous Actor known as Charlie Sheen comes out and speaks out about 9/11, and you also had mainstream bands such as Rage Against the Machine, and Muse that started speaking out against such corruption in their music.
Then TV shows such as The View started bringing up questions about the collapse of wtc 7 on 9/11 where Rosie o Donnell and Joy Behar talked about. Along with Hollywood movie director Aaron Russo bringing forth his documentary and his talks with one of the very infamous Rockefeller's.
You also have former independent governor Jessi Ventura who has set forth a TV show on TruTV called Conspiracy Theory.
And now you have Joy behar bringing him onto her show to talk about the JFK assasination

If you ever do some research on your own you will find interesting links between some of my kind.

You will find links between Biblicists - libertarians/conservatives (Freedom Movement) and Conspiracy Scholars (Truth Movement)

What do all of these groups seem to closely interlink themselves with? Truth, Understanding, Love and Liberty.

The Biblicists understands that the bible is the true Word of God, as a well educated biblicist sees a coming of Lucifer's Satanic Empire (One world government/New world order) and how so much things like to our bible with the real world. This aspect links with the Conspiracy Scholars.

Conspiracy Scholars understand what elite figures are doing like going to secret meetings held by groups such as the CFR, Bilderberg group, Free-Masons (33rd degree and up), and many more. They understand what they are trying to accomplish: A One World Order where they are the kings of in complete control as all others are under their subjection. This has links to Libertarian views as they believe in freedom and God given (negative) rights.

Libertarians understand that the best government is the least government. They under stand the very nature of man (Selfish and Greedy for self gain). Thus knowing if a man had power over others they would not use it for the people, rather for themselves as proven in history time and time again, proving our nature. This is linked with Biblicists as they know the nature of man, and it links w/ conspiracy Scholars.

1 comment:

  1. You know if I'd have heard this kind of stuff a year ago I would have thought you were crazy. I've come to realize just how truly "connected" and "deep" some of the things in this world are... like politics, world problems, economics... etc.
