Sunday, July 18, 2010

Staying open minded, but maintaining what is truth with evidence!

Wow, I have not sent an info message in so long... well here is a great article that i thought ya'll should read!
It is essentially about not holding a closed mind either through blind (ignorant) belief or being puffed up in knowledge (arrogance) on a subject.
I thought it was great and it was something that we all need to work on.
Here it is: Intellectual Maturity: Rising Above Misinformation

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

We are Change Takes it to the streets of Miami

We Are Change takes it to the streets of Miami to find out what people know!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

What is a Constitutional Census?

After the recent Census that was taken and some of the interesting information I have gathered, I have come to a realization according to the Article 1 Section 2 of the Constitution that the only information that is required by law to be gathered is the number of individuals living in the household. If you gave any more information from that you are doing it outside of the constitution and law, therefore giving away your privacy. Such things of you giving away your privacy would including your name, number, ethnicity, and other information.

Here is a great article on the subject...

I do wish I would have known this information beforehand but i just have recently learned this by reading through articles and messages. I will be sending my information on how many people are in my household (1) and nothing more in information as it is the only thing stated in the constitution for gathered information. The reason for this is to accurately figure out how many representatives are to be representing that state.

So come 2020 I will probably be going out to people's houses telling them what they are required by the constitution to do with the census.

So when you own your home or rent a place remember the only thing you are REQUIRED to fill out is the number of people in the residence all other information IS VOLUNTARY!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Know your rights!

The group Flex Your Rights is a group that I have always enjoyed watching their videos for insightful information on dealing with police. I have watched a very recent video they have put up called 10 Rules for Dealing with Police, its about 35minutes long giving well instructed information on how to deal with police encounters. I knew almost all of the information they had talked about except one thing; I am not required to hold an I.D. on me while walking around! Hope you enjoy the video!

Monday, April 5, 2010

A short week in Milwaukee...

     Well, I have visited my hometown for a 2nd spring break during Resurrection day only because I was lucky enough to not have any work up in Green Bay (Thursday night - Monday afternoon). And I thank God for having this opportunity to visit friends, family, and fellow believers.

     During my time in the Milwaukee I was able to visit my cousins, friends from churches, and school. And I ended up inviting them for a Monday afternoon cookout/get-together. Although I didn't think about inviting my family's church friends till Sunday afternoon, I did invite them because I only see them at church and church events, when I also wish to see them outside of church events more often to get closer to them and knowing them more.

There are a lot of reasons why I wish to do this:
1) First being, I love them and like hanging out with them. 
2)Another is I have interests in many possible future wives... (note: I love being single too as I have lots of freedom)
3)also I wish to get to know their (both genders) views and personality
4)And lastly, becoming closer to them allows them to understand me and my views. I have wanted to show some individuals things, but no opportunity has seemed to arise. 

     When I see people I wish to show them the things I know so badly, but because of Brainwashing by Corporate media and Government Schools they become more quick to judge on the label than eager to understand an alternative view, finally come to an objective conclusion whether it be acceptable/true or not. As a result of this, when I talk on certain topics, it results me being labeled a "radical", or "extremist" as I have been called by members of my family church and some individuals of my family... This is only because: 
1)they do not wish to listen to what i have to say... 
2)have heard (by corporate media) that people who believe what I believe are lunatics and radicals without backing it up with objective reasons why.
3)have not done any studying or research in the subject 
4) They are simply Closed minded
5) They are programmed to judge very quickly on little to no information on the subject.

And because of these things the only way to speak on "touchy" topics to an average normal brainwashed American is by a strong friendship and trust. It seems there is almost no other way, but to become an influential character by friendship.
     However the de-brainwashed/unique American will listen even what a stranger has to say and will not judge as quickly. They will then either agree with the person or disagree and explain why (if time permits).

I am here on this Earth to spread the truth, and nothing more. And the truth is found through reasoning and debates. And as Thomas Jefferson says, "Truth is the highest form of patriotism"

Here is a recent good youtube vid I have watched
Here is an awesome song I like. Don't like the lyrics, just like the beat for this one

P.S. any ladies that have interest in me, I suggest that you mention (preferably) in person you have read this, or that you read my blogs . It is even more interesting if you comment, make a remarks or, disagree (and state good reasons why). By stating that you read or listen to what I have to say not only inspires me as I know someone reads what I have to say, but also It will probably give me more interest in you as I seek a Christian woman who will at least listen to what I have to say and if in disagreement state why.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Campaign for Liberty Meeting

I was at the Campaign for Liberty conference and thought that you guys should be there too! how? by just watching the recorded videos online! : )
People you might know such as Richard ChurchYuri Maltsev, Ken Van Doren, and Terri McCormick was there.
Richard Church is a Grace Preacher from friendship that I know
Yuri Maltsev is a Austrian Economist that I might and start to follow to learn more of Austrian Economics and History of Economic Thought.
Terri McCormick who I will be supporting as she is holds many values dear to me and it will get Steve Kagen out of office!

This is the beginning of the Conference
If you go here, you can watch all of the videos.

I always find interest in the link between freedom, love, and our Lord Jesus Christ, in these are all interconnected with each other!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Parkour: The art and discipline of freedom of movement.

     This isn't so much about world or biblical things today, however Parkour is something I am into. Parkour is all about getting from place to place the quickest way possible on foot. This might be jumping over fences and railings, Getting on top of buildings, and jumping from building to building (if you trust yourself enough) and you might be jumping down from high areas that are 3 yards or greater.
     The other great thing about parkour is the fact that it trains you for the run. You will hear plenty of people training for the fight response in the fight or flight instinct. You will hear people in many different types of martial classes, some being an art, others being a discipline for practicality. Parkour trains us for the flight. when a person or a group we know will overpower us no matter what martial training we have, parkour comes into play, it doesn't matter if you are called a coward by them or not, the fact that you allowed yourself to live another day is more important.
     I do realize the chances of a life-death threat to happen in one's life is quite uncommon, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be ready for it. It is like insurance, you pay the insurance company to pay your bills if something was to happen even though it probably wont happen in your lifetime. However parkour gives you more benefits. Parkour is free, you use the world around you which gives you a whole different perspective of your world, it gets your body in shape, and you can do it whenever and almost wherever you want.
Well I do feel that I should post at least something on the world and bible so here are two educational links:

America: From Freedom to Fascism by Aaron Russo who is now deceased.(shows the federal reserve is private and much much more...)

Gail Riplinger: New Age Bible Versions: shows the corruption in other bible versions and explains why they are corrupted compared to the King James Version/Bible (KJV/KJB)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Truth Prevails: Advancement and links between Biblicists, libertarians and Conspiracy Scholars

As time progresses in our world, it seems the truth is getting more and more out there on the mainstream level, at the same time the elite are getting more desperate to stop us. I remember hearing how a good portion of actors and actresses knew of conspiracies going on in our world, but they dare not say a world because the media would then rip them to shreds harassing them of their past faults and their beliefs. Then the famous Actor known as Charlie Sheen comes out and speaks out about 9/11, and you also had mainstream bands such as Rage Against the Machine, and Muse that started speaking out against such corruption in their music.
Then TV shows such as The View started bringing up questions about the collapse of wtc 7 on 9/11 where Rosie o Donnell and Joy Behar talked about. Along with Hollywood movie director Aaron Russo bringing forth his documentary and his talks with one of the very infamous Rockefeller's.
You also have former independent governor Jessi Ventura who has set forth a TV show on TruTV called Conspiracy Theory.
And now you have Joy behar bringing him onto her show to talk about the JFK assasination

If you ever do some research on your own you will find interesting links between some of my kind.

You will find links between Biblicists - libertarians/conservatives (Freedom Movement) and Conspiracy Scholars (Truth Movement)

What do all of these groups seem to closely interlink themselves with? Truth, Understanding, Love and Liberty.

The Biblicists understands that the bible is the true Word of God, as a well educated biblicist sees a coming of Lucifer's Satanic Empire (One world government/New world order) and how so much things like to our bible with the real world. This aspect links with the Conspiracy Scholars.

Conspiracy Scholars understand what elite figures are doing like going to secret meetings held by groups such as the CFR, Bilderberg group, Free-Masons (33rd degree and up), and many more. They understand what they are trying to accomplish: A One World Order where they are the kings of in complete control as all others are under their subjection. This has links to Libertarian views as they believe in freedom and God given (negative) rights.

Libertarians understand that the best government is the least government. They under stand the very nature of man (Selfish and Greedy for self gain). Thus knowing if a man had power over others they would not use it for the people, rather for themselves as proven in history time and time again, proving our nature. This is linked with Biblicists as they know the nature of man, and it links w/ conspiracy Scholars.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Hidden Agenda Behind Governmental School systems.

"John Taylor Gatto is a learned eloquent critic of the present school system all over the world."

he shows how we send our kids to people we don't even know where they (the teachers) are told what to teach by the masterminds of the system. This is why if teachers stray from this they will possibly be fired.

Friday, March 5, 2010

My first blog...

Well here is my first blog guys... Actually I just made a poll so if you wanna try it out go for it! That is my first blog, a request for you to answer my poll! : )

I am sure I will post interesting stuff on my blog-spot. This will include information on the bible, world events, rants, and who knows what else!

Until then, and in:
Truth and Love
-Stephan Kappes